Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Re-vamping My Blog and Our Lives

Hi, I'm Rusty.  Wife to the most wonderful man, whom I call "The Colonel" (said with a southern accent).  I am mother to a group of boys, the Puddin' (18), the Pookers (5) and the Peanut (3), and one girl, who is grown and living life, the Princess (20).  I am finishing up the Puddin's homeschool experience, before he moves on to a J-O-B, and starting the little ones on their homeschooling experience.
Yes, I do the stay at home thing.  I take HCG (don't turn me in...) to lose weight, and surprise, it works, but 500 calories a day kinda sucks.  You can see my journey here.  I have never seen a diet work this well!  It's not for everyone, but it is for me.
I am a rebel.  I am Primal/Paleo (and use those terms interchangeably, get over it), and a Christian.  I will write about how I can justify that another time.  Just know that I believe in a young Earth and a Eternal God, and the saving power of Jesus Christ.  I also believe that my sin is my own, and your sin is your own.  I don't just a person for their life choices.  There was a time when we all could have made better choices, and I have made some really great ones, and some horribly bad ones.  There isn't a Commandment I haven't broken.  That is not said in pride or shame.  Because I found forgiveness, or maybe forgiveness found's one of those which first, the chicken or the egg kinda things.
Since starting HCG, I have been looking for a way to eat that won't derail all the work I have done on HCG.  Since the HCG protocol is meat and veggies (no grains, no fats, no dairy, etc) that lays a foundation for the Primal/Paleo (P/P) way of life. 
I was already starting bringing whole, natural, raw foods into my home.  Using "good" fats by eliminating vegetable oils, boxed foods:  adding organic, farmer's market, and fresh REAL foods.  Education is the key and with all the resources out there, there is no reason for anyone to live in ignorance. 
Anyway, I started the family on the P/P path about a month ago.  The Colonel is actually OK with it, the kids on the other hand, have been fighting tooth and nail (when they think about it, or are introduced to something new).  Too bad for them, they mean too much to me to give in.  The battle is ON!!!!  One saying in our house is if Mommy wins, everybody wins.  If Mommy loses, we all lose.  So, I will win this one.  Switching kids to P/P isn't hard, you feed them what you feed yourself.  They don't need "milk" unless they are breastfeeding (or formula, if you have to).  They don't need grain (that's for birds), they certainly don't need a Happy Meal, and there are P/P substitutes to cakes, cookies, and such, for a once in a while treat.  What kids need is love, discipline, fresh air and sunshine, and wholesome, healthy foods (plenty of veggies, lean meats, and good fats-our brains are made of fat, so if someone calls you "fat head", they are saying you're smart!).
I want to thank you for stopping by and reading my ramblings.  I tend to talk a lot.  There well be pictures of my P/P creations and recipes from my P/P friends (they don't know me, but I read their stuff, including all the P/P recipes I find in cookbooks and blog sites).
I am still figuring out my blog and how to use it, please be patient with me!

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Pookers, The Colonel, Peanut, at Turtle Bay

"Mommy says if we catch it, we'll have to eat it..."

The Puddin'-2nd Ammendment Fun

The Princess, just 2nd Ammendment fun
