Friday, March 23, 2012

When the Kids Don't Want to Go Along

As I said before, I am dragging the fam down the Primal/Paleo path.  My kids are starting to have an issue with it.  Lots of veggies, little in the way of treats (at least the ones they are used to).  Breakfast is looking weird, unless it's bacon and eggs, but then there is no toast, which is driving them crazy!  I found a coconut flour based pancake recipe, that was a success (with agave syrup).

I am still doing HCG, so I am making these wonderful creations, and have no idea what they taste like.  I am baking cookies with almond flour, but I don't care for using so much agave, because a) it's real expensive and b) I would rather work with sugar (minimally).

So anyway, back to the "children of the corn".  My kids are picky at best, no matter what we are eating.  I figure I'll just keep offering healthy choices, encourage them to try, and blow it off when they won't eat.  Eventually they will get hungry enough to eat what's in front of them. 

I don't offer much that's not Primal/Paleo (spaghetti noodles the other night because I didn't plan well, and ran out of time, my mistake).  There are still a few non paleo food items around, and as I find them, I either get rid of them, give them to a neighbor, or stuff them into our Emergency Food supply box (in an Emergency, a special "diet" goes right out the window, and frankly, even the Bible shows that wheat and wheat products-ie:  bread) become a staple until better times).

I am off to take the littles to the park.

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