Don't Eat Crap.
Don't eat crap. 3 deceptively small but powerful words. Don't eat crap.
First, we gotta figure what is "crap". Crap is anything that is processed, has a plethora of unpronounceable ingredients, and/or has been created in a lab. Crap is almost everything sold in the interior aisles of a grocery store. Crap is also fecal matter (please, don't eat crap...).
Second, don't eat it.
Third, eat stuff that real, nummie, and good for you. So many people say that they couldn't live without (fill in the blank). It's diet soda. It's bread. It's chocolate (yes, you can live a long life without ever eating chocolate-not a good life...). No matter. Here is a list of stuff you CAN'T live without. You CAN'T live without oxygen. You CAN'T live without water beyond 3 days. You CAN'T live without food (even crap) beyond forty days (-ish).
If you are filling your body with chemicals, pills, fast food, processed foodstuffs, super sugar snacks, GMO's from some greedy corporate lab, or plastic that pretending to be butter, then you are eating CRAP. Don't. Don't eat. Don't eat crap.
Go into the grocery store, start in the produce aisle (that's where all the fruits and vegetables are). Start filling your cart with all the colors of the rainbow. You like red? How about some red bell peppers, strawberries, tomatoes, radishes. How about yellow? Bananas, crook neck squash, onions. Oh, I know, purple is your favorite! Red onions, cabbage, eggplant. Yes. Some of these look weird. Some might even taste weird. But all of them are good for you (not talking to the folks with allergies, just the population in general). Don't know how to cook the funny looking purple eggplanty thingie? Well, if you are reading this, you have some sort of access to the INTERNET. Google "eggplant (by now Google has given you some options, one of which is) recipes". Oh my, look at all the "online" cookbooks, complete with opinions and choices, choices, choices. Start with what you already have. You don't have to go all "Julia Child", most people can boil water with minimal instruction (if this is not you, you may need to hire a cook, just to keep your neighborhood from burning). Start small. Boil that water, and use the most popular kitchen implement, the knife. Cut your veggie into chunks, put it into the water, and let it cook for a bit.
Looky, you made a veggie! Yea!
We are going to talk meat at another time.
If you need to take something from my ramblings, remember this...DON'T EAT CRAP.