Saturday, January 4, 2014

Hardcore Paleo-Day 3

The real me keeps worming her way back to bad habits. Although yesterday wasn't a total write off, I did make a few (OK, many eating mistakes). Breakfast: Ham, broccoli, onion scramble. This was my best showing. Lunch: Ham sandwich (ham, onions, mayo/mustard on a lettuce leaf), chips (found some great chips at Trader Joe's that were cooked in sunflower oil), and an orange. Dinner: 2 hardboiled eggs, pepperoni, an orange. Major Fail. Dinner was my downfall, mainly because of eating after 7 pm, which is never good. No excuse, in fact, I should have just skipped dinner. We had some major running around to do, and I didn't plan accordingly. My daily exercises went a lot better, not perfect by any means, but I am increasing the amount of planks and time in them. My best showing was in rocking planks, which 2 days ago I couldn't even do. I am also getting better at Plank Jacks (easier on hands then on elbows). Speaking of elbows, mine are chewed up from my lousy carpeting. I need to invest in a decent yoga mat. Jillian is always a butt kicker, but I am doing better. More Jumping Jacks, longer participation in all areas. The 3 day burn is going to last a few more days. I was going to take the weekend off from exercising, but I feel I need to continue, to keep up momentum. I am starting to see some change, or it might be wishful thinking. I am anxious to see what my measurements bring on Tuesday. I am optimistic about inches coming off (my flabby legs are looking even flabbier), but not so much about weight reduction. If I stay at the same weight, I'll take it, mainly because muscle is heavier than fat. OK, let me explain: A pound of fat is the same as a pound of muscle. A pound is a pound. The difference is that a pound of fat takes up more space than a pound of muscle. Hence, when working out, don't rely on what the scale says, rely on a tape measure or calipers, or even a fat % scale. The scale will mess you up in thinking that all your working out is for not, when you haven't lost weight. A few years ago, I had that exact problem, and it nearly caused me to quit working out all together (I did quit eventually, because I am lazy, but I did have better measurements and some minor weight loss). So, other than some major food mistakes, Day 3 was another success. I am feeling good!!

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