Sunday, December 30, 2012

Ideas about the future..., or, just rambling...

My beloved Colonel has been on to me about writing a book. 

"Strike while the iron is hot!"  he says.

"Tell your story!" he says.

"What about YOUR book you were going to write?" I ask.

"That's different, I'm lazy..." he responds.

My FIL is a published author of short stories and the former Creator, Editor and Chief of the DIVERSIFIER magazine.  There is a cousin who also has written a few books on art.  So the family is ripe with authors.  Could I add my name?  I don't really know.  There is no harm in trying.

It would be an inspirational type of book.  Something that an overweight woman could pick up and read, and know that she too can lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle.

It's funny (funny sad, not funny ha ha), that at this time last year I weighed more than 300 lbs.  I was told to take medicine for hypertension, told to eat a low fat, low cal diet to bring down my budding high cholesterol.  Instead, I did the opposite of what my doctors told me.  I went on hCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin), a hormone produced during pregnancy.  As I understand how it works, the hCG coupled with a no/low fat, low carb and a very low calorie diet (VLC) encourages the body to use it's own stored fat for energy.   You teach your body to burn fat instead of the constant stream of sugar that the Standard American Diet (SAD) glorifies (eating every 2 to 3 hours of high carbohydrate foods).

But, I didn't stop there.  If I was going to lose the weight, I also needed to keep it off.  The SAD was not going to work, how do I know?  Like most overweight/obese people, I have been on just about every diet known to mankind.  I would lose here and there, and gain it all back with added interest.  I had to find a new way of eating, something I could do for the rest of my life.

Vegetarianism/Vegan ism was out.  Sorry to all the bleeding hearts, but I LOVE meat.  Don't get me wrong, I don't like how the industrial meat factories work, but a grass fed/finished cow, free roaming chicken/pig/sheep, wild animals (deer, elk, moose...) are all here for me (and those like me) to eat. 

First, I had studied about whole foods.  Then went on from there.  Turns out that real food is something that you can grow on your own.  Can you grow pasta?  No, there are no wild spaghetti pasta bushes, although there is spaghetti squash (mmmmm squash).  You can't grow whole wheat bread, no matter how many fortified slices you bury.  And then there is the GMO (genetically modified organism) factor.  Food should be natural, not a science experiment.

Then I found Paleo/Primal eating plans, and studied them.  BINGO.  Paleo works for me, because I don't care about eating or drinking milk products (except grass fed butter, mmmmmm butter....).  I like cheese, but have no qualms about skipping it on my meatzas.

Now a new chapter is in the works, my getting strong chapter.  I haven't started Crossfit yet, but I know that I not only want to move, but need to move.  I might still be the fattest person in the 'box, with my loose skin flapping away (TMI?), but the more I move, the better I will be, how much better?  NINJA better!

Which brings me to my next thought, I am going to start a website.  Hopefully something to inspire and inform.  I will keep you posted as I put it all together. 

I just wanted to say thanks to all for taking the time to read my blog.  I do tend to ramble (hopefully, it's part of my charm), but I also hope to lift spirits, especially those who are or have been overweight.  We aren't weak.  We aren't lazy.  We are lost.  We are pulled into diets that are not good for us.  We are people who need good information and more choices than SAD or fad diets. 

Thank you!

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