I am back on HCG (for those that don't agree, tough), with huge changes in the family.
My In-Laws (The Parents) moved in while we were Primal/Paleo, and were very happy with the program. My FIL was seeing the benefits of Paleo being a more healthy option, my MIL was seeing her blood sugar drop to normal levels.
With The Parents moving in, my littles have been defiant and little hellions! Kids will take advantage where they can. The Parents have brought beans, potato chips, ice cream, chocolate covered raisins, and a round of other horrid things into my house. Now I have buns (hot dog and hamburger), The Colonel brought in WHITE BREAD, you know, the stuff the Glycemic Index is based on? Where did I lose control!!!!????
We have our Annual 4th of July blow out coming up, marking the 236th Birthday of American Independence, and that will also be the farewell for my family's foray back into SAD. It's harder with the adults, but these are my kids(yeah, The Colonel's too, but he agrees that I run the house, hence, rule the kids!)!
The Parents, The Colonel, and my 18 yo son, The Puddin', can have all the crap that they want, but no more giving crap to the kids.
I have another 3 months on HCG, so I still won't be eating what the family is eating, but since I do all the cooking, they will either eat what I put in front of them, or they can go out!
This summer we will be cleaning house. The kitchen first. The home school second. The home as a whole, third. There will be fights. There will be tears. There might be blood shed. There will be change, even if I have to drag my whole family, kicking and screaming, into a Primal eating pattern. Paleo is OK for me (after HCG), but I don't rule everyone (although I should!), and I am willing to bend to The Colonel's wants, and he's willing to go Primal.
With the loss of 75 lbs, and another 75 to go, I can't fool around. I know that Paleo works (8 lbs in 2 months of Paleo eating!), and more importantly, works for me! I don't have any play room. I can't afford to have all this crap in my house. Even greater than that, my kids can't have all this crap in the house.
I will keep everyone posted on slipping P/P food into the house, and the haul of garbage (food wise) out of the house. Bottom line: My House: My Rules
Everyone is just S.O.L.!!!
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