These are Fila Skele-Toes. Cannot wait until Christmas!
There are a few more things that I want, but will have to wait.
Kettle Bells

Turns out that they are cheaper at Amazon, even with shipping!
To go with this DVD:

Iron Core Kettle Bell with Sarah Lurie. This DVD has gotten excellent reviews! Something to do between Crossfit sessions.
Then there is my kitchen, which needs a few things:

Foodsaver, especially since I want to start buying 1/4 to 1/2 a cow from Massa Natural Meats, a local ranch.

And with all that beef, I am going to need a Meat Grinder.

It's small, but comes highly recommended all over the Paleosphere. It's the Kuhn Rikon Swiss Peeler, plus it's time to turn in my hundred year old (but not an antique) peeler.

Spiral Vegetable Slicer. Now this is a new want. The family is not overly fond of spaghetti squash, and putting the zucchini on the Mandolin is a lot of work, and not very noodle-y, so I thought I would give this a try.
I am also looking for a new CPU for the main house computer, but I thought I would join the 21st Century with a tablet computer.

I am liking the look and performance of the Kindle Fire HD with the 8.9" screen. Because I home school, I can save tons of shelf space on all the books that I need (and already have on my current Kindle). Plus, I can add bunches of learning apps. And, there is an app that keeps the kids "tethered" as it were, to not being able to download apps (like they do on my Smart Phone), but use the tablet without me worrying.
So many wonderful things out there. It is so easy to want want want. We almost must remember to balance with give give give.
Our kids are getting more crap than they really need (the biggest being RC trucks). The Colonel and I have figured out that when we shop for the kids, we are really shopping for ourselves (neither of us can wait to get hold of those RC trucks!).
This year, my boys are learning Christmas Carols, and we will be Carolling our neighborhood during our nightly walks (the neighborhood dogs will probably join us!).
What does your Christmas list look like?
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